Quickswap is like Uniswap or Pancakeswap, it is where you can purchase $JP3G at the moment.

Here is how to use it ! Requirements are :

On your smartphone or your computer:

Smartphone : Like every over Dapp, you need to access the quickswap website trought the built-in browser of your Wallet.

If you’re on your Computer : Just access with your brower the website and connect the wallet you use

  1. Go to the link below :


  1. Change to Market (V2) by clicking on “Best Trade” option


  1. You will need to increase the slippage to 6-6.5% - Here is how to do so :
    1. Open the settings menu (Icon pointed with the cursor below)
    2. Then enter 6-6.5 in the slippage tolerance. Click away anywhere on the screen to close it.
    3. You’re good.



  1. Enter the amount of MATIC (or whatever) you would like to swap for JP3G.
    1. You can notice that you have access to Best Trade option, we recommend you to use it because it’ll find the best price accross all liquidity for you.
  2. Click swap, confirm in your wallet. Congratulations ! You’ve just joined JP3EGvault 🎊