In this guide, you’ll find how to configure the Polygon network inside Coinbase Wallet and how to import the JP3G token.

We’ll cover both computer and smartphone.

We assume that you already have Coinbase Wallet ready and running.

Remember : always keep your seed phrase for yourself and NEVER share it with anyone.

Coinbase wallet provides an user-friendly workflow that will allow you to see every token you own on every supported chain. You don’t need to import them, they will automatically show in your wallet.

Even if you’re not connected on the targeted chain, you’ll be able to see the tokens in your wallet.

Coinbase Wallet already has the Polygon Network configured inside it. On both computer and smartphone. We’ll cover how to choose your network.

On your computer:

  1. Open the Coinbase Wallet extension.
  2. Click on “Settings” → “Default Network” → Choose “Polygon”
  3. Congrats! You’re ready to buy some JP3G token.

On your smartphone:

  1. Open the Coinbase Wallet App
  2. Click on “Settings” → Then “Default Network” → Choose Polygon.
  3. Congrats! You’re ready to buy some JP3G token.