In this guide, you’ll find how to configure the Polygon network on Metamask and how to import the JP3G token.

We’ll cover both laptop and smartphone.

We assume that you already have Metamask ready and running. Otherwise you can download it here.

Remember : always keep your seed phrase to yourself and NEVER share it with anyone.

On your computer:

  1. Click on the Metamask logo in your browser to open the extension
  2. Once done, click on the network dropdown (1) to open the menu and then click on Add Network (2)

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  1. Fill the fields with the informations below and click on “Save” (if you don’t see the fiels, select the “Add a network manually” at the bottom of the page)

  2. It’s done!

  3. Open the extension browser once again, you should be on the Polygon mainnet.

  4. Click on import token and copy paste the token address inside the “Token Contract Address” field, then click “Add Custom Token” and then “Import Tokens”




  1. Congrats! You’re ready to buy some JP3G token.

On your smartphone:

  1. Open the Metamask application.
  2. Then
    1. Open the menu on top left
    2. Go to “Settings”
    3. Click on “Networks”
    4. Click on “Add Networks”
    5. Fill the fields with the below information and click on “Add”

You can watch this video to find your way:
