In this guide, you’ll find how to configure the Polygon network on Trust Wallet and how to import the JP3G token.

We’ll only cover smartphone since it’s the same as on computer.

We assume that you already have Trust Wallet ready and running.

Remember : always keep your seed phrase for yourself and NEVER share it with anyone.

On your Smartphone

In Trust Wallet you don’t have to add a new network, the main networks are all pre-configured and all you have to do is add a custom token, in our case the JP3G token.

  1. Copy the following token address (JPEG) : 0x4BFcE5A1aCC3B847AFa9579bA91DA33b08e66fb7
  2. Open the Trust Wallet application
  3. Click on the icon on top right of the application
  4. Click search and past the JP3G address, nothing should be found
  5. Click “Add Custom Token”
  6. In the “Network” choose “Polygon”
  7. Then paste the token address in the “Contract Address” field
  8. Click “Save”
  9. Congrats! You’re ready to buy some JP3G token.